Fire and Faith Ministry Overview

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Fire and Faith Ministries, Inc.

Ministry Summary


Fire and Faith Ministries is comprised of a network of house churches that currently operates throughout the Uncompaghre Valley on the Western Slope of Colorado.

The mission is to spread the gospel and disciple nations, where God is fully present and Jesus is encountered and followed with full abandonment. We foster environments that allow people to walk fully in the truth, be known by our love and display the full power of God.

We understand that today, our vision is for the Western Slope of Colorado but hold onto this geographic region loosely in the event that the LORD desires to take us beyond our current regional thinking.

Ours is a multi-generational mandate, one which survives and is passed down to sustain awakening and revival perpetually.

We believe that God is in the process of releasing the greatest awakening ever and that the local church will not be sufficient to disciple all of the people who are about to come to Jesus. We will help fill the need to make disciples, where the local church cannot. We also believe that God is about to release power like never seen before. Our role is to steward that well and teach the generations to come the same. We do not desire to see the coming awakening and revival ever stop.

Growth is expected to come through the house churches reaching a point of maximum capacity because a house can only hold so many, which necessitates their subdividing. Secondly, we believe that we will encounter others called to plant house churches, who will come under our apostolic covering and replicate what God has taught us in terms of the ministry.

In the Beginning…

The first home church is The White House in downtown Montrose, CO. This plant is perfecting what it means to be an Acts 2 church in this era. We pursue God with all that we have and allow Holy Spirit to do whatever He wants. Oh, we pray in tongues, get loud, sing, dance, shout and all of that. There are plenty of churches that operate in “baby” Christianity and never mature their people. We prefer meat but know how to grow folks up in the LORD.

We meet on Sundays at 3pm and start with a shared meal that generally lasts for 1.5 hours. We desire community and deep bonds that go really deep. We then turn to prayer and worship followed by preaching. Ministry time follows that. There is no set time for how long services last. It is not uncommon for things to last several hours.

136 N Nevada Ave (970) 765-8988 Montrose, CO 81401

We also meet on Wednesdays for men’s and women’s groups. A bible study night is in the works as is the launch of our ministries. It is anticipated that something could be going every night of the week.


  • Jesus is LORD, period. We serve The King.
  • Love is the not-so-secret weapon of Heaven. It isn’t always mushy and can be tough, but it never fails.
  • The bible is inerrant. We believe what it says. We do what it says.
  • God has order to everything, love obeys His commandments, and we follow what He says.
  • Sin is not ok. We will not celebrate it.
  • Confrontation is good. It must be done with honor.
  • Messes are necessary for the increase (Prov 14:4). We embrace the messes as we grow and give our people room to explore life in God. We have the humility to acknowledge our mistakes and desire to clean up what is necessary.
  • Offense has no place in our lives.
  • All things are possible with God. We believe for the miraculous. We raise the dead. We heal the sick. We cast out devils. We cleanse the leper. We give it away freely.
  • It does not matter what it costs us. We will have all that God desires for us to have.
  • Faith makes God happy. It’s how we live.
  • There is no compromising the truth. Governance As of 12/1/22, Fire and Faith Ministries, Inc. is in the formative process of filing for its 501 c (3) status and incorporation. It sits under a board of directors, formally known as the Council of Elders, and is comprised of: John Stein Rich Harris Betty Jones Grant Stailey Chris Foster The board provides all oversight into the ministry and has the authority to make decisions and govern accordingly. Jennifer Stein, honorary, non-voting board member Landon Hines, honorary, non-voting board member 136 N Nevada Ave (970) 765-8988 Montrose, CO 81401

John Stein leads Fire and Faith Ministries and was transplanted to Montrose in 2019. He came to the LORD in 2003. John is in his late fifties and comes from the business community where he has worked to build startup companies for thirty plus years. He is a builder and relentless in his pursuit for Jesus. His most amazing wife is Jen. She is the mama of this ministry and serves as a non-voting member of the board.

Rich Harris has walked with God a long time. He planted a church in Wheat Ridge, CO (Living Word Ministries) many years ago that remains today. He also helped pioneer ministries in Israel and carries a strong heart for God’s people. Rich came up under Morningstar Ministries and serves as a spiritual father to many. He has walked this earth for more than 80 years. Rich walks deeply in the prophetic and understands church governance at a deep level.

Betty Jones walks in the apostolic and is being used mightily by God to be a mama to the new thing God is doing these days in terms of church planting. She ministers internationally and her expertise in deliverance is proving invaluable at a time when the enemy is showing that his time is truly short. Betty has been in ministry for more than 50 years and carries a wonderful heart for God’s people.

Grant Stailey is a businessman in Denver, CO, who has also walked with God a long time. He serves at a high-level at Bridgeway Church in Denver and was instrumental in its planting. His forefathers helped settle CO and quarried most of the marble used in the construction of the government buildings in Denver. He has a grace on his life for family like few we know. Grant carries wisdom that goes well beyond his 60-something years on the planet. His humility is quite evident. His wife is Caroline, who also enjoys a deep, deep relationship with Jesus.

Chris Foster has also walked with the LORD for quite a while. He is a businessman, who resides in Atlanta, GA and has a heart for people that is full of compassion. Chris was brought on the board to bridge the gap to the generations that follow. Chris is in his early forties. We did not want a bunch of “old, gray-haired people” serving on this board because our mandate spans the generations. But, we still want wisdom and depth of character. Chris carries the maturity to help govern but is the bridge for today’s youth and understands them better than others.

Landon Hines. Landon is a wonderful teacher and disciple of Jesus. He comes from a multi- generation family of ranchers in the Delta, CO area. Landon carries a depth in his relationship with the LORD that makes people jealous (in a good way). Landon’s maturity, humility and wisdom make him a prime candidate to govern one day. He is being groomed for that role and will sit as an honorary board member with no voting rights.

The White House

“The White House” church, as the initial plant, has the sole role of serving as the apostolic cover for each of the other house churches. It is the “Jerusalem apostleship” that provided the necessary leadership, governance and authority for the newly-formed churches rising up in the book of Acts.

136 N Nevada Ave (970) 765-8988 Montrose, CO 81401

Also, this specific plant develops the ministries and the model for the future plants to replicate At The White House, we are learning and developing how “church” is done today. It is new territory for each of us. Our immediate aim is to gain the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to teach future leaders.

The discipling factor comes in the form of developing the leaders called to future plants. These plants fall under the legal framework of Fire and Faith Ministries. We help new plants get started, walk with them through the journey, provide counsel and oversight and mentor them along the way. We then teach them how to do the same for future generations. We are family that enjoys the blessing to a thousand generations.

The individual house churches then serve their geographic areas with the intent of further dividing organically as necessary.


Fire and Faith Ministries operates in complete concert with Holy Spirit. We pursue the miraculous aggressively and operate under all of the gifts of the Spirit. You can call us Pentecostal, Charismatic or whatever. That makes no difference to us. We just want all of Jesus and all of the power of God to be on display because that points to God better than any argument man can make. It also shows the love of God in a way that only He can bring.

We are currently investigating a neutral ministry location that would be commonly used by the various house churches. This central meeting place allows ministering to people we have no relationship with in a safe place outside of anyone’s home. It also allows us to leverage facilities with greater reach than a typical home could handle.

Our ministries are formative, but the major categories are: Prophetic
Healing & Miracles

Outreach & Evangelism

We operate these ministries as formal functions on generally set days/times. The LORD has been leading us in the deliverance area currently. Our group is highly prophetic and already operates well in that regard. It is anticipated that we will soon be launching Prophetic Nights, where we minister to the public prophetically on a set night each week. We will then expand into the healing, deliverance and outreach ministries.

136 N Nevada Ave (970) 765-8988 Montrose, CO 81401


Money has a bad rap in the church. It goes hand in hand with religion and judgmental Christians. Because of its sensitivity, we are speaking to it here, now.

Our church is a tithing church. We believe that the tithe was initiated before the law and carried through the cross. We also believe that 10% is just the start and that Holy Spirit should direct people on tithing, as He desires.

If you call Fire and Faith Ministries your church home. It is expected that you will tithe here. Money has a major way of showing what is in a person’s heart. Abuse by other churches and prior generations or bad theology is not an excuse to doing what God says. We keep open books and are happy to show anyone where the money is being spent, at any time. Full accountability is our desire.

For the churches that we oversee, they share in the operating expenses of the entire ministry and variable expenses for their local ministries. The financial model is currently being developed.

Giving. Our church is a generous church. We know Who our Provider is and enjoy displaying that for others, especially those in ministry, who visit us here. Our people are generous people. The spirit of poverty has no place here.

Alms. We want the eradication of poverty and the poor. Jesus may have said that the poor will be with us always, but we like to challenge that. Perhaps, we can model it in a way that others will participate as well and really challenge the LORD on the matter.


If you need to talk through any of these items of want to explore things further, email us at

You can always call the church at 970-765-8988. The website is

We frequently communicate on What’sApp. Go here to join the conversation

Fire and Faith What’s App Link

Thank you for your interest,

John Stein
Fire and Faith Ministries, Inc.

136 N Nevada Ave (970) 765-8988 Montrose, CO 81401